boldy before the Throne of grace

 "Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne
of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find
grace to help in the time of need"
(Hebrews 4:16)


Father God, I come before you in awe of who you are and of the amazing privilege that we have to approach your throne boldly.  Thank you for this awesome gift you give us. Today, I bring these requests before you for all those in need and humbly lay them at your feet.

Where there is pain, apply a soothing balm. Where there is sorrow, fill them with joy. Where there is turmoil, grant them peace. Where there is confusion, give clarity. Where there is deep hurt, deliver encouragement.

Restore hope to the hopeless. Rest for the weary. Sweet comfort for the broken hearted.

To those who have lost their way, gently steer them back on the path to you. To those that are in a season of loneliness, show them that you are the friend above all friends.

To those that are sick, place your healing hand upon them. Minister deeply to hurting spirits. Strengthen the weak. Cheer up the downhearted.

Wrap those in need in your loving embrace and allow your sweet Holy Spirit  to flow freely through their bodies and do a mighty work.

Draw us all closer to you and fill us with love unimaginable.

I ask all this in the mighty and saving name of Jesus Christ our Lord.


Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.


  1. Amen. Such a moving prayer Beth. I will revisit this prayer often. It speaks so deeply to me.

  2. thanks for allowing me to be a part of this amazing group of Christians dedicated to prayer. it has been an awesome blessing.


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