Why Pray?

One of the great paradoxes of the Christian faith is that God wants us to talk to Him about everything that is going on in our lives, even though He already knows everything. So why pray'

If you’ve ever wrestled with that question, perhaps the thoughts of the 19th-century preacher R. A. Torrey can help. Among the reasons he gave for prayer are these:

* Because there is a devil, and prayer is a God-appointed way to resist Him (Eph. 6:12-13, 18).
    * Because prayer is God’s way for us to obtain what we need from Him (Lk. 11:3-13; Jas. 4:2).
    * Because prayer is the means God has appointed for us to find “grace to help in time of need” (Heb. 4:16).
    * Because prayer with thanksgiving is God’s way for us to obtain freedom from anxiety and to receive “the peace of God” (Phil. 4:6-7).

Besides these reasons, it’s enough to read the command in 1 Thessalonians 5:17, “Pray without ceasing,” and realize that God wants us to talk with Him. Yes, He is all-knowing, but He also desires our fellowship. When we seek God’s face in prayer, we strengthen our relationship with Him. That’s the most important reason to pray. —JDB

Our Daily Bread, November 25, 1998

Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.


  1. Good stuff Ron. Pride always gets in the way of praying. When we pray we humble ourselves. It is why many take the humble posture of kneeling when they pray.

  2. Excellent devotion on prayer.... thanks Ron.


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