Prayer for Julie

I'm sharing a prayer request for our daughter Julie.
This is one of my favorite pictures of Julie and her Dad taken last year.

She has had several bouts over the past year with kidney stones. This is the second time she's been hospitalized because the stones are just too large to pass. She had a procedure yesterday to place a stint and push the stone back up in to the kidney. They can't do the second procedure to eliminate the stone with the laser as she has developed a fever and infection. That has to be resolved before they will continue. So she's on pain medication and antibiotics. They said she will have to stay in the hospital for a few more days.

Thank you for your prayers for her in the past, and please continue to pray the fever and infection end soon.

Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.


  1. Agreeing with you Wanda praying that healing will come.

  2. I'm adding my prayers for Julie too.

  3. In His Holy Name I too will declare healing on Julie's body and wisdom for the doctors treating her. Amen! God Bless :)


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