Please pray for my friend John

My friend John is around 50 years old and on a respirator in the ICU of a local hospital. They are trying to remove the excess fluid he is retaining. Monday they thought things were going a bit better, but yesterday he took a turn for the worse. He continues to retain fluid in his body and lungs, he's on dialysis because his kidneys aren't functioning properly, and he is in a drug-induced "coma-like" state so his body doesn't have to work any harder than it needs to as he tries to recover. All of this extra stress isn't helping his heart, which is very weak already. Please pray.

Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.


  1. Prayers for John.

    Please help, Lord.

  2. I pray that God will have mercy on John and restore his health. Amen!

  3. Joining with all of you in prayer for John.


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