the greater work

"Evening, and morning, and at  noon, will I pray,
and cry aloud; and He shall hear my voice"
(Psalm 55:17)
Prayer is an essential ingredient in our spiritual lives. The bible tells us to pray without ceasing and to pray about everything. That doesn't mean we have to stay on our knees 24 hours a day, but that we should always be in an attitude of prayer. That is what keeps the line of communication open between us and God. That is what keeps our spirits connected with God's heart.

There are times when I cry out to Him and don't really know what to say.  Times that I find myself flat on my face before Him and just softly singing praise to Him or saying His name over and over. It is in those times that I know the Holy Spirit intercedes for me. An effective prayer life isn't about what we say, it's about the One we are saying it to. Our sweet Lord is always there to listen. When we cry out, He hears and He responds.

Prayer doesn't equip us for greater works.
Prayer IS the greater work.
- Oswald Chambers


Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.


  1. "An effective prayer life isn't about what we say, it's about the One we are saying it to."

    Amen Beth. Great thought to start my day.

  2. Amen Beth. I loved the Oswald Chambers quote :-)

  3. Amen! That quote says it all. Thanks for sharing Beth.


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