When God Says No

B.M. Palmer in Theology of Prayer, tells of a woman who had spent the summer away from her children, and was quite anxious to get back to them. When she learned that all the rooms on a certain steamer were taken, she wept bitterly. Because she couldn't get a passage on any other ship, she was detained two weeks in NYC. But the sorrow of being delayed was turned into thanksgiving when, within a few days, she learned that the vessel that denied her passage was buried at the bottom of the Atlantic. She didn't see the "no" as a wonderful answer to prayer until the whole story unfolded.

We ask for health, but often sickness and suffering or something less than wealth is the best way to produce holiness and maturity in us. God always has something far greater in store for us even when we can't see it.

Dear Lord, give us the grace to except no for an answer even when it hurts. In Jesus Name Amen.

Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.


  1. I love that story Ron! I think that we would never learn to be content if God always said yes. A few years ago I wrote here about the connection between contentment and unanswered prayers.

  2. Wonderful story and lesson. Will check out Bob's thoughts too.
    Thanks Ron, glad you are aboard, like what you are sharing.


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