Prayer for Parents and Children

The Old Testament ends with one of the sweetest promises in all of scripture. This is how the prophet Malachi puts it:
"Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the great and awesome day of the LORD comes. And he will turn the hearts of fathers to their children and the hearts of children to their fathers, lest I come and strike the land with a decree of utter destruction."
Don't you love the way that it speaks about hearts turning? I know of families that need God's help to turn parent's and children's hearts toward each other. Please join me in prayer.

Father, we come to you as parents confessing our obstinate hearts. Turn our hearts Lord to our children. Help us to see our children with your eyes. We need your perspective and your wisdom. We need your heart for our children.

We ask you to turn the hearts of our children back to home. We pray for every prodigal and every wounded child. Turn the hearts of our children lord and help them to see us with your eyes. They need your heart Father.

Finally we ask for every orphan. We pray for those of all ages who are without parents. Turn the hearts of these dear Father to spiritual moms and dads who have hearts turned towards them.

We thank you that you have chosen the title of Father. We pray in your name.


Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.


  1. Bob what a precious gives us all hope with those wayward children. I say a big AMEN to your prayer.

  2. A wonderful prayer! Amen! and Amen!

  3. Agreeing with you in prayer... since it's the only hope for restoring this nation.

  4. Wonderful blog & post here. Thank you TOG, for visiting my blog & following.

    Please join me in prayer for a young girl in my community - "A" - whose mother is in prison. "A" is 8 y/o & put a prayer request in the prayer box @ the YMCA where I work. I believe this child may be 'on scholarship' @ the summer day camps our Y offers. I thank God for her courage & her faith - knowing that He would hear her prayer.

    Thank you for your faithfulness.

  5. Please pray for my son Jacob - he is 16 yo and struggling. He is openly defiant and disrespectful. There is a battle going on in his heart. May the heavenly Father's love be revealed to him. "Love covers a multitude of sin".

    1. I am joining you in prayer Grace asking God to open his eyes to the love that God and you have for him. Praying also that the Lord would bring him other witnesses of that love.

  6. Thank you for this scripture and prayer. I have a son I have not seen in 13 years. When I contacted him recently, he was unkind. May the Lord touch his heart and bring reconciliation.


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