A Prayer for Egypt, Jordan, Tunisia

The following prayer comes from Bob Hostetler's Prayer Blog.

Abba, Father, God of all,
hear my prayer for the people of Egypt,
and Tunisia,
as political unrest and turmoil
rage in their lands.

Lord, please protect the people.
Please watch over them.
Bring about constructive change,
increasing freedom,
and peace.
Let justice roll on like a river,
righteousness like a never-failing stream!

I pray especially for my brothers and sisters in Christ throughout those lands, that you will protect them as you protected your people in the days of Esther and Mordecai.

For all who are afraid, send protection.
To all who are angry, bring peace.
On all who pursue righteousness, shower success,
in Jesus' name, amen.

Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.


  1. Oh Bob, how my heart goes out to these people and the unrest in their countries. Is Bible Prophecy playing out?

    Heard a wonderful message from David Jerimiah, Pastor of Shadow Mountian Church in San Deigo, CA on line last night, sharing about the Bible and what's happening around the world.

    Adding my Amen to your prayer this morning.

  2. Amen! And I would add pray for the protection of Israel.


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