Pray for just one Haitian today

Following is a note from Mark Lancaster about praying for their medical team in Haiti.

So much of our experience is measured. I remember vacationing where I counted the number of stateliness crossed, the license plates I'd seen, or the number of miles until I arrived.

The Haitians do provide an impressive array of counts, including 124 surgery patients, 780 clinic visitors, 350 non-reader glasses given, dozens of towns from which people have traveled, at least a dozen people from Port au Prince specifically for the iTeam. Maybe 8 prosthetic eyes, 3 nights we kept dozens of Haitians waiting for service the next day due to overload.

The number that means most is one. Any Haitian we meet is the child of one Momma, the only name on the patient card, the only patient getting glasses at that moment, the single focus of our care. If we think of them as a mass of bodies, they lose personhood and some value. Treating them as the one we have come all the way here to treat helps make them more than a number. They are Lucius, Rosette, Jean Claude, Marie, Maxon, Vivilin, Anson and lots more.

Pray for just one tonight. Picture holding their ebony face between your hands, then try to count more than one. That is far enough to help.

Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.


  1. Funny, Father God, how just this morning I thought of Pastor Eliza and his dear wife Jessula and prayed for them. Be near, dear Lord, to them this day. May I keep their faces forever in my heart and mind. Thank you for two faces in a sea of many, two faces that help me remember there are many.

  2. I agree with you in prayer for Lucius, Rosette, Jean Claude, Marie, Maxon, Vivilin and Anson. I pray that God will protect them and keep them healthy, in Jesus' name amen.


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