For Thou Art with Me

Psalm 23:4  
“Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for Thou art with me; Thy rod and Thy staff they comfort me.”

There’s nothing, my friend, that will bring you more face-to-face with God than going through the dark valleys of life. When you are there, you are going to cling to His garments and hold onto His hand. You won’t stray far from the fold in the dark. Do you believe that He is with you? The ultimate Sovereign is your loving Savior. You will not have to cross Jordan alone. You will not appear before the judgment of a Holy God alone. 
You are not going to die alone. ~Adrian Rogers

What a joyful promise! You are not alone! Write these words on a card and post it in a place where you can see it all the time: “I am not alone. God is with me.” ~Amen.

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  1. About 8 months before my first wife Ellen died I found myself faced with the possibility of her dying. Driving to work one day ... racked with the agony of thoughts of a world without Ellen … I began to pray ... and as I prayed I saw a picture in my mind. In this vision I saw myself standing on a mountain looking down at a valley ... somehow I knew it was the valley of the shadow of Ellen's death. As I looked into the vision I saw Jesus come to my side, take my hand, and walk with me into the valley. It was a comforting picture. God was trying to tell me that he would be with me when Ellen died and that I would be okay. That image gave me peace about her dying.

    Thanks for reminding me of that Ron. It is so true that He walks with us in those dark valleys.

  2. Wonderful prayer and scripture, Ron, and what a beautiful application Bob in your story. God is so good to sometimes give us a heart of peace "before" the storm.


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