"Men overlooked a baby's birth
When love unnoticed came to earth;
And later, seeking in the skies,
Passed by a man in workman's guise.
Only children paused to stare
While God Incarnate made a chair"
~Mary Tatlow

The Word has become flesh and dwelt among us.

"Lord Jesus, what a wonder it is that You entered the human race as You did. You chose to incarnate Yourself through the genealogy of mixed tribes and races, bluebloods and bullies, heroes and harlots, saints and sinners. Thank you for representing each person on earth, for identifying with every one of us. Thank You, Lord, for reaching out to me here and now, right where I am. I love You. Amen"

Taken from the Worship Bible

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  1. I love that Jesus came to us in this way. It reminds me of that Humble King song.. even in birth He modeled humility for us.


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