Praying Psalm 96

We your people join our hearts across the earth and sing to you Lord.
We sing, we bless your name and tell of your salvation every day.
We declare your glory among the nations.
We extol your marvelous works among all the peoples!

We exalt you Heavenly Father!

Great are you Lord,and greatly to be praised.
You are awesome and we honor you in all of our ways.
Nothing made by man compares to you Lord.
You are the Creator of all that things seen and unseen.

We bless you Sovereign Creator!

We bow down Lord and submit to you our strength.
We come before you with praise and glorify your name.
We bring you gifts of submission, worship and love.
We worship you Lord in the splendor of your holiness.

Great are you Holy Spirit!

We come with shouts and affirmation that "Jesus is Lord"!
Your throne is established forever Lord and the world is your footstool.
Your judgment is perfect and we rejoice in your justice.
We wait for your coming Lord and trust in your judgment.

Maranatha! Come Lord Jesus!

Let heaven be glad and let all the earth rejoice.
Let the sea roar with praise and all that fills it show your greatness.
Let the field exult, and everything in it sing for joy.
Let all of the earth praise the Lord!

Praise the Lord!


If you would like to read my other prayerful interpretations from the psalms please click here. These are not word for word prayers but paraphrased thoughts from the psalms.

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