
Today's prayer comes from my blogging friend Keith at Broken Pilgrim...

The Moravians have a daily devotional guide that I use regularly (okay...semi-regularly...alright, alright!...occasionally). One of the verses for today is Psalm 94:11, which they combined with one of the stanzas from a hymn in their hymnbook (#494...whichever one that is). In the ESV Psalm 94:10b-11 says:
He who teaches man knowledge—
the LORD—knows the thoughts of man,
that they are but a breath.
And then the hymn stanza:
Breathe on me, breath of God,
my will to yours incline,
until this selfish part of me
glows with your fire divine.
God is the source of all. He knows the naked truth…that we are the source of nothing. The question is whether I know that…at least more than in an abstract way?

And if I do, then I must pray as the hymn, lifting up my plea for God's active breath, his breathing, his Spirit…overwhelming all that is not…'right'…in me…until what is in me alone is God's pure fire.

Burn in me.

Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.


  1. God's pure fire burning within my soul ~~~ I want that too. Search me ~~ refine me....My prayer today.

  2. Life is but a breath, so breathe in deeply and exhale slowly.



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