A Prayer for My Friend

This morning I became aware of this news from Crownring, my friend and Daily Prayer reader.. here is what she wrote yesterday on her blog
Just to let you know, my father-in law passed away a little while ago. We'll be away for a few days. Please keep our family in your prayers.
Father we come to you today sympathizing with our friend and her family at this time of loss. We thank you for the comfort that they have knowing that their dad is now in the everlasting arms of Father God. We pray asking that the comfort and wisdom of the Holy Spirit be present in the coming days. We mourn with them for their loss. And we join with them celebrating his life.


Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.


  1. Saying good bye to seasoned saints is always bittersweet. Prayers.

  2. Add my thoughts and prayers to Crowning and her family at this time of loss. I must agree with Martha...loss like this is bittersweet.

  3. Thank you, Bob, Martha, Wanda, and Ed, my brothers and sisters in Christ. Other than one absolutely hellacious storm which we drove through on Thursday night after the visitation, all went as well as could be hoped. I am sure your prayers helped us and our family during the storm and the services and helped ease our days of transition and sadness.

    And yes, Martha and Wanda, the loss is bittersweet. But our loss is Dad's gain and at 97, he was more than ready to go. I am very blessed to have had Dad as my father-in law for nearly 32 years and I know I will see him again.

    Bob, I was very touched to see you had posted this blog entry here on my behalf and even more that you call me "friend". That means more to me than you could ever guess. :)

    Ed, I am so blessed by your prayer blogs here. Thank you also for your condolences.

    Hugs to all of you...........



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