Prayer for the Families of those Slain

My heart broke this morning as I heard of this story. Here is the way the NY Times reported it:
Their last meal was a picnic in the forest in the Sharrun Valley, high in the Hindu Kush mountains of northern Afghanistan. Returning home from a three-week trek on foot to deliver free medical care to the remotest regions of the country, the aid workers — six Americans, a Briton, a German and four Afghans — had just finished eating when they were accosted by gunmen with long dyed-red beards, the police said. The gunmen marched them into the forest, stood them in a line and shot 10 of them one by one.
Sadness cannot begin to describe how this atrocity will affect the families of, and those who knew, the victims of this heinous crime. Let us pray:
Dear Lord, the actions of others sometimes bewilder us.. we do not have words to describe the sadness.. we do not understand why some commit violence (and that in the name of religion) towards others who are trying to simply do good in your name. We ask you Lord to bring comfort to the families and friends of those slain. We ask that you would bring good from this situation.. we pray that good would overcome evil in Afghanistan and other places in the world where violence has become a way of life. We ask that you would protect those who do good in this world. We pray believing in your goodness and trusting in your love. We pray in the name of Jesus, the Prince of Peace.

Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.


  1. Amen........

    The older I become, the more bewildered by such violence I grow. Sigh....... It appears we will be battling against the prince of Persia (Book of Daniel) until the very end.

  2. My heart brakes with yours Bob. When I read this my inner most being cries out "Come Lord Jesus, Come!"

    Joining you in prayers for the families and for some life and good can come from these horrible acts of violence.

  3. Your body is hurting today, Lord, as we bring those affected before Your throne of grace. Somehow, father, You are able to bring beauty out of ashes, and turn our mourning into gladness. We pray that such would be the case and many souls in Afghanistan would come to know Your love and forgiveness this day.


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