Please pray for Jill and her Family

9/1 Update: Jill passed away last night. Here are a few words from her husband Cliff:
Jill died this evening. It was an incredibly difficult, surreal evening. Jill had myself, Jeri, Megan and Joel here with her. It was hard to watch her struggle at the end but it has been hard to watch her struggle since May 2004. We now need to deal with our sadness but rejoice with her lack of pain and suffering. We four kept telling her it was OK to leave so she could be free!
Please visit Jill's blog to read the rest of Cliff's note. And please continue to pray for Cliff, Megan and Joel as they grieve the loss of a wonderful wife and mom. I am missing Jill already.

This is such a difficult post to write. Here are few updates from the weekend on my friend Jill Hollis who has ALS:
Saturday: Jill is not doing very well. she is struggling more and more to breathe. she is fatigued constantly. she is having more difficulty speaking. she is losing strength quickly. she is battling infection and sores. her body is tired.

Sunday: more than likely, this is the beginning of the end for jill. she probably has an upper respiratory infection. she is on antibiotics, and her fever finally broke. however, our main concern at this point is keeping her comfortable. cliff read all of your comments and emails aloud to her today. she cried & cried bittersweet tears. thank you for your kind words, and your prayers, and your thoughts.

Monday: there's not really anything new to add. this is beyond difficult for us. all of your comments and emails have reached our ears, and some have made it to hers. we're sure all of your words & thoughts & prayers are reaching her spirit. it's hard to know how much longer she has, but her time seems to be growing shorter. we will continue to keep you posted.

cliff, megan, & joel
All I can do is cry Father. This is way too hard for me. I cannot imagine what it is like for Cliff or Jill's children. Please minister peace to Jill and her family. Help Jill in these final days. Thank you for the way that she represents you every day. Thank you for the impact that she has made on my life with her courage.


Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.


  1. Thank you Bob... I have been following her blog, and so saddened with this illness that is relentless.

    I join in prayers for Jill and family.

  2. Amen. I hope she will get soon relief of her suffering. May God bless the family in Jesus'Name.

  3. Thank you for the update Bob. Surely our prayers will continue for the family. This has been a long long illness, and I feel honored to have made part of the journey with them via the blog.


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