Tossed and Troubled

But the boat was now in the middle of the sea, tossed by the waves, for the wind was contrary. Now in the fourth watch of the night Jesus went to them, walking on the sea.
Matthew 14:24-25

Dear Lord,

There are times when I feel as a ship on the sea, tossed, troubled, and alone. Help me, Lord, to hear Your voice above the sound of the wind and waves. May we never forget that You will come to us. When all seems dark and hopeless, You are not far away. No, we are never alone.



Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.


  1. Disclaimer here. I am not in a state of deep depression or anything, just lost in a sea of decisions surrounding my mom and what kind of care and services she needs. God is good. He is with us. Sometimes it is overwhelming. We need His help and guidance every day.

  2. I love the picture, and you prayer touches and reaches my heart.... I stand with you in this request.

  3. Amen to the prayer and what Wanda said. He is not far away.


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