A Prayer of Submission

A pray from Gregg at Gospel Driven Disciples..

"Today, may I engage in nothing in which I cannot implore your blessing and in which I cannot invite thy inspection."

Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.


  1. Joining you Bob.... wonderful prayer for today!

  2. I need a prayer for confession as I have hurt innocent people's feelings and disappointed a person who trrusted me wholly. My heart is in so much pain as now he doesnt even want to talk well with me though I have pleaded for his forgiveness many times. All I pray for is his heart to heal from the pain and for him to regain back the Love and Trust that I had for him. he is my fiance and I have every intention to make our relationship last and work by God's grace. Please people of God help and pray with me to overcome this owful pain and torture that I am facing in my life riight now.

  3. Hi Judy,

    I am so sorry for your pain and the difficulty that your are walking through. I have forwarded your request to our prayer bloggers and we will be remembering you in prayer.

    Many blessings, Bob

  4. Judybabe, may your heart be filled with an abundance of peace.


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