On Being Thankful

Enter into His gates with thanksgiving, And into His courts with praise. Be thankful to Him, and bless His name.
Psalm 100:4

Dear Lord Jesus,
Thank you for my friend this morning and her list of thankfulness. Number four touched my heart and I am thankful too.
"I am thankful that in the midst of sorrow we can take comfort in the fact that the Lord has a good plan, even if we don't understand it or can't see how it will work out. He holds the universe in the palm on His hand and that includes the circumstances in my life."
Thank you for this new day even though the sky looks dark and threatening. Thank you for the rain which will surely fall and for the umbrella tucked safely between the seats in my van.


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  1. Such wisdom in this Martha. In my darkest times I have been able to give thanks that in His sovereignty God is good and that He is love.


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