"I come to the Garden alone, while the dew is still on the roses....."

My kitchen table is my "Garden Spot" where I meet the Lover of my Soul early in the morning.

Song of Songs 7:12 "Let us go early to the Vineyard (Garden)..... and there I will give you My love."

In the quiet of the morning,
I will worship Your Name.
I will lift my voice with singing
To praise You again.
For it fills my heart with gladness
That remains through the day.
In the quiet of the morning,
I will worship Your Name.
~Wes Tuttle (1988)

Dear Lord, wake me early in the morning, so I can rush to the Garden to meet You. I will lift my voice to praise Your Name, I will seek your guidance for the day.

Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.


  1. Wow, this was very timely. My post today is about meeting God in the garden! Thank you for this, it was my Grandpa's favorite hymn. Lori

  2. Amen. The word "alone" strikes me Wanda. I guess in a sense we all go to the Father alone at these times.

  3. Wonderful progression to the full bloom! I like the soft curly petals. Iflorist.co.uk


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