Praying for America

Heavenly Father,

We are reminded this Flag Day weekend of how so many have sacrificed much to to keep our flag flying. We ask you to bless those who have given so much to serve our country with honor. We pray that you would grant peace in our land and in foreign lands. Let our flag be a reminder of freedom to all who see. We intercede for people in nations where they are oppressed by their governments - comfort them with your presence. We ask that wisdom would be given to our leaders her in America and ask that they would do nothing to dishonor the flag so many have died defending. We commit ourselves and our country afresh to you Lord asking that your kingdom would come and your will be done in our land.


Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.


  1. I add my prayers with you Bob... May we never forget the price of freedom.

  2. my prayers too,Bob.this is a wonderful country.i have met true christians here,and this place has taught me the joy of giving and faithfulness to God,given me the opportunity to listen to wonderful sermons by pastors like Rick Warren.wherever i am,i will be praying for ur country.


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