Prayer for Fathers

The story in the fifteenth chapter of Luke about the prodigal son sometimes comes across focused on the wayward young man and we forget that this is also a story about a father. Consider these reactions of a righteous father to a somewhat unrighteous son:
  1. He loved his son enough to let him go.
  2. He believed in his son and knew he would come back.
  3. He met his son on the road - He ran to him.
  4. He did not let His son act like an employee.
  5. He welcomed Him and did not give him the third degree.
  6. He defended him before the elder son.
  7. He was a loving Father.
Heavenly Father we come to you this day remembering first that we call you Father.. you are our Abba.. our Dad. We intercede for ourselves and all of the fathers that we know asking you to make them like you. Help us to believe in our children and let them go. When they err give us hearts that run to them at the appropriate time. Help our children to always know we accept them and that they can come home. Cause us to love dear Father and be like you. Thank you so much for our fathers and the fathers that we have in our lives. We ask you to bless them today in the name of your son Jesus.


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  1. Oh Bob.... What a beautiful picture and prayer for Father's Day... How glad I am that God is a picture of the Father in this story, and always welcomes me back home when I stray!!!


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