A Moving Prayer

On Wednesday Ann and I are moving from our patio home in the suburbs to a loft in downtown Kansas City. We closed on the loft last Monday and will close on our house next month. Things are going pretty good but I feel that we need prayer for our move this week. I tried to googling "moving prayer" and.. lol.. all I got was inspirational type of prayers.. so I though I would pray my own prayer. Please join me in prayer:

I am thankful today Heavenly Father that I have seen your hand at work in this move. You have humbled us, and worked in both of us, as we have negotiated the transactions of the move. We confess that we so need your continued help, your wisdom and your mercy as we move. We ask you to bring everything together before Wednesday and help us to enjoy the moving experience.

Lord we pray for our neighbors - those who we are leaving behind and those we will meet.. we thank you for our wonderful neighbors who care for us so much.. thank you for planting us here for the past seven years. We pray that our eyes would be open to the hurting hearts of those in downtown Kansas City.. bless us we pray to be a blessing to those in our new neighborhood.

This week we stand believing in your promise to be with us everywhere we go. We thank you for the empowering presence of the Holy Spirit. We ask for special blessings to on the people who help pack, move and unpack our things.. we thank you for good friends. We thank you most for being our friend and for calling us friends.

We commit ourselves and this move to you believing in the name of Jesus.


Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.


  1. Bob, no "googled" prayer could say is better than you have prayed. I join you in every word and sentence, and will put you and Ann on in my personal prayer journal for continued strength, guidance. Know you will find new friends and neighbors and know you will be a blessing to them all.

  2. Praying in agreement, Bob. Amen!

  3. Prayed this Prayer in agreement with you. and Thankyou for the structure to create our "moving prayer" May the Lord be with and your family and He prosper you in the land that will receive you. In Jesus Name

  4. Thank you for this prayer and I pray your move was good~ I am having to pray this same prayer for a move from Tennessee to Colorado! In Jesus' name we pray! Amen

  5. Looking back, 4 years later, I see the fingerprints and footprints of God in our move to downtown KC. And once again I give thanks to the One who first loved me.


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