Eternal God,
the refuge of all your children,
in our weakness, you are our strength,
in our darkness, you are our light,
in our sorrow, you are our comfort and peace.
May we always live in your presence,
and serve you in our daily lives;
through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

- St. Boniface

Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.


  1. That covers it all...... He is our rock, our refuge, and help in any and every situation. Thanks Sue for reminding us.

  2. I needed this prayer today. My mother and my father-in law are not doing well health-wise. My mom is having major breathing problems and is almost non-responsive and my father-in law is very tired and weak. Plus Hubby is being driven to distraction by problems at work, so it's being a rough time for us.

    I need you, Lord, I need you!

    Thanks, Sue!

  3. in my weakness,He is my true!

  4. He is.. and we are blessed. I needed this prayer today too.


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