A Prayer for Healing

And the prayer of faith will save the sick, and the Lord will raise him up.
James 5:15a

Dear Father in Heaven,
Today I ask again mercy and healing for my Uncle Chuck who is in the ICU with a severe case of pneumonia. I pray that You would cause the fluid in his lungs to drain away and the infection to cease. I pray strength for my dear Aunt Mary as she struggles to keep up with daily tasks and commitments as well as being by her husband's side. I pray for my cousins who find it so difficult to watch their father struggle with this illness. I pray for my mom who has already suffered incredible loss this past year and ask that you would spare her only brother. And, Lord, I thank you for my wonderful uncle, his love for You, and his love for all of us as well.


Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.


  1. So evident in your prayer Martha that illness affect more than just the afflicted. I join you in praying for a gift of healing for your uncle and gifts of peace for all who know him.. and I add the others in my life who need gifts such as these.

  2. Martha, I too will continue to pray for your Uncle. I loved you post that told us of his love, wit, and humor.
    I pray for your sweet mother, that the God will look down in mercy, and touch and heal.

  3. Thank you all. My daughter sent me this verse today...
    The LORD takes pleasure in those who fear Him, In those who hope in His mercy. Ps. 147:11

    They are moving him to Rochester.


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