Being Specific in Prayer

A friend of mine is a great proponent of being specific in prayer. When encouraging people to pray, he often says, "Remember to be specific."

Think about it. Can we really pour out our hearts to God in prayer without being specific? Can we really draw near to the throne of Grace without being specific? Can we really intercede for those in need without being specific? Can we truly ascribe unto God beauty and holiness with being specific? Can we humble ourselves before our Majestic King without being specific?

We do need to be specific in prayer. We also need to be transparent with one another about our praise and prayer requests, so they can be specific in praying for us. Hopefully, some who read these lines will share some specific praise items and prayer requests in the comments that follow so we can be specific in our prayers for one another today. I'll kick things off with the first comment. Please remember to be specific.

May you be richly blessed with a wonderful week in service to God and others!

Bill Williams
Spiritual Oasis
Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.


  1. Please be specific in your prayers for me this week. I have embarked on a new career which requires me to make cold calls and presentations to prospective clients. Please pray that I will be in the right place and the right time in order to speak to the right people.

  2. Amen to that request Bill. May God lead you in ways that are prosperous this week.

    Ann and I are considering selling our house and moving to a place that is a bit more friendly to her wheelchair. Please ask our Father that we would have wisdom concerning this decision.

  3. I am struggling with my eating habits again. All the birthday celebrations didn't help. Please ask the Father to give me self control for this temple of the Holy Spirit I live in.

  4. A prayer request from a person affected by the floods in Nashville:

    It's been a long past few days. Our house was affected by the floods and we sat in our one upstairs room watching helplessly as the waters rose on Sunday. We were finally rescued by a small boat late in the afternoon and were glad we didn't have to attempt to use the homemade flotation device we constructed with a closet door, video game chair, and every electrical chord we could cut from it's source.

    Now that the waters have subsided, my husband works from dawn to dusk trying to get all of the waterlogged drywall, hardwood and carpet out.

    We still do not know if he has MS or NMO. That neuro appt is tomorrow. I don't know how it is that we are hit with one thing after another after another.


  5. A few years late, but here goes! I am 29 years old. I am married to my 30 year old best friend and spiritual leader! We have 3 beautiful and healthy children (9, 6 & 3) who also happen to be very bright! We have rented houses our entire adult life. We were content with that, but recently discovered a house on one of the side streets in town. It was built in 1898, is 4 bedroom and 3 bath. It has approx 3/4 of an acre. We also have 2 dogs. I mention that because there is a small section of of the backyard that is fenced with a low fence for dogs. There is also a very nice pet door on the backdoor. The asking price is the same as my husband's annual salary. The house is only a block from our current rental house. When we met to look at the house, a pair of doves were sitting at the front door. They never startled as we walked around them. When we entered the home, they merely walked to the edge of the sidewalk and flew away. as you can gather, my specific prayer is for God to give us this house. We have submitted an offer and believe it is agreeable to the bank. Our only problem is our credit score. We just don't have anything on our history within the past 12 months. I know that God can do amazing things and he has blessed us so much in our lives already. I can just feel that God put this house on our hearts! We were not even looking to buy a house. I pray that God provide means to purchase this house (either outright or finance) without harm to the 5 of us. (I wouldn't want an insurance settlement for one of us or something.) We could do great things here. I pray as strongly as I can that we get this house. Our children need the stability of their own forever house.

  6. I join you in that prayer KandJBass. May God surprise you and may the desires of your hearts come to realization.

  7. I applied for different jobs, some part time, some full time. There is only one specific job I really would like to have.

    I believe this job will help me to a) have the time time off needed this summer for pre-arranged commitments, as well as have full time benefits, and an easy transition.

    And I'm also asking for more clients for my pet/house sitting business.

    Thank you for your extra prayers!


Add a comment or request for prayer here.