As You Pray

A few great principles on prayer from Gregg at Gospel Driven Disciples:
  1. As you pray, let prayer be your first choice and not your last choice
  2. As you pray, let your gaze be on God and your glance on your requests.
  3. As you pray, pray from conviction and not from crisis
  4. As you pray, pray seeking the help and aid of the Holy Spirit
  5. As you pray, fill your prayers with praise for God and for all that He is
  6. As you pray, make your focus on spiritual principles for growth, rather than stuff. God is not a heavenly vending machine in the sky or a genie to take out and rub.
  7. As you pray, always remember God is worthy of our time, effort, and energy, so pray without ceasing.
For more on prayer check out the remainder of Gregg's post titled Prayer: The Tangible Expression of Our Dependence Upon God.

1 comment:

  1. Wow Bob, all seven are worthy of reflection and meditation.

    I will spend some time doing just that!


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