A prayer of thanks

Almighty God,
You are the giver of every good gift.

We thank You for the gift
of Your holy word.

May it be a lamp to our feet
and a light to our way.

We thank You for all
You have given us.

Let us use our possessions, 
our abilities, and our lives
to glorify You.

Take us and use us to love
and serve all Your people
in the name of Your Son,
Jesus Christ our Lord.


What are YOU thankful for today?

Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.


  1. Thank you Lord for the gifts you have blessed me with. Thank you for my wife, for our freedoms, for your Son, for the gift of the Holy Spirit, and for those who love us! We are blessed!

  2. How can I count... I've been so blessed in my life. My parents who love me and made sure I would hear about Jesus, a girlfriend that influenced me in my spiritual journey and went to Bible College with me, a husband that holds my heart dear to his, and a family that continually supports me. Friends, neighbors....etc


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