Prayer for those Grieving

My brother Bill lost his wife, Francine, this past week. They were married 42 years, have 3 married children and seven grandchildren. Please join me in praying this simple prayer for our family and others that are grieving.

You are our shepherd Lord.. you meet all of our needs.. we lift those grieving to you today.

We thank you for meeting all of their needs.. we pray that you would comfort them and hold them close to your heart.

We praise you that their need for rest is met in you Lord.. we pray that you would lead those in pain in ways that would restore their soul and help them grieve.

We are confident of your presence Lord.. we ask that your love would be felt by our friends as they travel through this dark valley of sorrow.

And this we ask for our friends - that goodness and mercy will follow them all the days of their lives and that they will live in your house forever.


Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.


  1. Amen.

    My condolences on the lost of Francine, Bob.

    M.E. /Cr

  2. My heartfelt sympathy too. May God wrap His mighty arms of comfort around all who knew and loved her.

  3. Tomorrow it will be one month since my father died. I did OK through his final illness, death, and the period immediately afterwards. But it has caught up with me now. The tears are flowing freely. Pray for God's strength to guide me through the tears in His time.

    Thank you!

  4. I lost my uncle Friday. I ask God for his love, comfort, and strength. For my aunt and my cousins.

  5. I stand in agreement with you Alma asking the Holy Spirit to be with your family in comfort and wisdom at this difficult time.

  6. On 12/28/2020, my daughter passed away from a drug overdose. She was only 30 years old and had 2 children ages 5 and 8.

    1. My heart breaks with you. May God continue to help your family in this time of need.


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