If my people's hearts on humbled,
If they pray and see, My face,
If they turn away from evil,
I will not withhold my grace.
I will hear their prayers from heaven,
I will pardon every sin.
If my people's hearts are humbled,
I will surely heal their land.

Then my eyes will see their sorrow,
Then my ears will hear their plea;
If my people's hearts are humbled;
I will set their nation Free.
If my people's hearts are humbled,
If they pray and seek my face;
If they turn away from evil,
I will not withhold my grace.
~~Claire Cloniger (1986)

Holy God, You are just and compassionate. Though our nation turns it back on You, You do not stop calling us your people, warning us of the consequences of our sins. Lord do not let us be slow to repent and return to You. Do not let our pride or our shame keep us from setting our hearts on seeking You. Our country has been so blessed by You, help us humble our hearts, and seek Your face. Amen

Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.


  1. I will add my request for humility to this prayer Wanda. Sometimes pride is the biggest barrier to my desire to intercede for our country.

  2. The words to this song prick my heart every time. How I long for our land to be healed, but am I willing to be humbled?


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