Hurting Hearts

Dear Lord,

It is not Friday. It is Wednesday night. My heart is heavy and sad. My sister shared some family news; a second cousin was killed in Portland, Oregon. He was beaten and stomped to death. How is it, Lord, that we live in such a cruel and ugly world? Oh, Father God, please be with those who sorrow this night and will for many more to come. I pray dear Lord, that you would somehow bring peace and comfort through this tragedy. I don't know how You can, but I know that You are able. You are even able to touch the cold and hardened heart of the killer and to work forgiveness in those he so deeply hurt.

Lord, help me to love a little bit deeper and stronger, to forgive a little more with every passing day. Teach me to treasure those I know and love.


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  1. I am sorry for your loss Martha and asking our Father to be there with those who are hurting in your family. And joining you in praying for others who are hurting today from senseless violence.

    Blessings, Bob

  2. Martha - I am so sorry to hear of your loss, and pray for your cousin, for all of your family, and for those responsible for his death. May God bring the victims peace, and the culprits repentance.

  3. Martha, I just got home from a trip, and will be in prayer for your cousin's family and you. Our tragic!
    Only God has the answers to these hard trials.


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