This is called "Holy Week" or "Passion Week" and a week worthy of our devotion and prayers.
The movie "The Passion of the Christ" was seen by many and gave a graphic step by step account of those horrendous days. Today, with those pictures in our mind, let's pray.
"O Lord Jesus, how quickly my eye passes over this familiar line: "They crucified him." Expand my mind! renew my sense of horror ~~and my wonder! Awaken my soul! For they crucified You, the Author of life now dying on the place of the Skull; the Lord of all now a slave to death, the blessed One of God now a curse; the sinless One now made to be sin, the only Son of God now forsaken by Your Father. O dear Jesus, they crucified You, my true Savior. They crucified You, my hearts desire. They crucified You, my only hope. They crucified You, in my place, on my cross, for my sin. O Lord I crucified You! And you saved me from the curse and gave me forgiveness and eternal life. How I love you!
Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.
The cross confounds all earthly reason Wanda! I am so amazed that even on the cross He was instructing us how to live.