For all those who are unemployed..

Today's prayer comes from the folks at Beliefnet and is dedicated in particular to my good friend Clark and my blog friend Barbara who are in need of employment. Please feel free to add the names of your unemployed friends to this prayer.

God, we pray for all those who have suddenly lost employment. There are many. We ask you to first give them peace and a settled confidence. Their natural response is to shock and then fear, and to begin questioning their abilities, the past accomplishments and their future prospects.

Give them your encouragement today, and do so through surprising ways, both directly from your Spirit and through other people who come across their path. Build them up, as this situation has torn them down. Remind them of past victories, and awaken new dreams for their future. Give them - today - divine appointments with people who may be key in opening a new future for them. Give them hope; lighten their step; lift the anxiety from their body; give them sleep and an unexpected joy.

God, you intend us to have a purposeful life. You give us work assignments to accomplish because you designed us to help you create and sustain your creation. We are not made for idleness or sloth. We need meaningful work. So for all those who have lost a job, today bring them one step closer to a new direction. Show them any areas in their own character that need to change in order for their destiny to be realized. Then give them the wisdom and power to make those changes, by your Spirit.

Today is a new day with new possibilities. Let nothing stand in the way of your purposes in the lives of those who, without your assistance, cannot find their next course. We pray this in Jesus..."


Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.


  1. I join you in prayer as we know several out of work.
    Thanks Bob

  2. A friend's husband just lost his job after having being disabled with back problems (surgery) for several months. He filed for unemployment today. :(

    So many looking right now..........sigh.



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