We need you tonight.

Alcoholism. Drug Abuse. Addictive Behaviors.

Lord, if these words do not describe us—they certainly describe someone close to us. Our family. Our neighbors. Our co-workers. Members of our church.

Right now somewhere, someone we know is at the edge… and they must choose a path.

The apostle Paul writes, “It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.”

Free us Lord. Where we are weak, you are strong. Where we are trapped, you have opened new doors. The yoke of alcohol, drugs and addictions can be heavy, but your yoke is easy, your burden light. We give you thanks and praise.

We need you tonight.

Protect your children, Lord. Comfort their families. Help us persevere.

Free us Lord.


Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.


  1. I am saying amen for one person in particular.. free him Lord.. and free me too.

  2. AMEN! I too claim this prayer for people I know who enslaved to addictions........and myself.

    In the name of Jesus.......Amen!


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