Praying Psalm 92

It is good to give thanks to you Lord.. to sing praises to your name, O Most High.. we declare your steadfast love in the morning and your faithfulness by night.

Our hearts join in one accord in the music of praise and worship. For you, O Lord, have made us glad by your work.. at the works of your hands we sing for joy.

How great are your works, O Lord! How deep are your thoughts! The proud one does not know or understand your ways Lord.. yet you have revealed yourself to anyone with a seeking heart.

You encourage and lift up the humble Lord.. you anoint the lowly with your favor.. your mercy flows over us like fresh oil.

Because of your grace the faithful flourishes like the palm tree and grows like a cedar in Lebanon.. they are planted in your house and flourish in your courts.. bearing fruit in old age they are ever full of sap and life.

We declare that you are holy.. you are our rock.. you are right and totally righteous.. and we worship you Lord Jesus Christ.


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  1. bearing fruit in old age

    This made me smile. Lord, may I be pruned, though it may cause pain and bleeding, to bear fruit for you now and even more as I grow older.

  2. Thanks Bob.... I love that a person with a seeking heart will have God revealed to him.
    Lord, give me an ever seeking heart.

  3. Just pray for me God prays are words of wisdom and encouragement

    1. Asking the Lord comfort you with wise thoughts and encouraging words. Hang in there.


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