beyond my grasp

Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus: Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped… (Phil 2:5-6)

Jesus is God, and yet while on earth, he did not consider “godness” to be attainable.

My life is certainly full… family, friends, health, purpose, stability, security. The list of things to be thankful for goes on and on. But what if I considered these things to be beyond my grasp?

Surely, other people’s lives are beyond my reach. Bill Gates. Barack Obama. Bruce Springsteen. But my gifts… my blessings… my talents… how could I deny them?

Could I act like a person who did not consider equality with Ed G as something attainable? Honestly, I don’t know. My point of reference almost always centers on my experiences. Judgments are made based on how something relates to my life. People are richer, poorer, happier, sadder, smarter, dumber, taller, shorter… than me. I would like this to change. Will you pray with me?

I need to be humbled, Lord. Show me how to make myself nothing. Fill my heart with the attitude of Christ Jesus. Help me to live as though I considered all that is my life to be simply unattainable. Humble me.


Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.

1 comment:

  1. Amen.. I think that we all need to be delivered from that "self-made man" image.. help us Lord.


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