A Soldier's Prayer

Father you blessed me by answering my prayers and protecting my son those two years when he served our country in Iraq.. I am so thankful to you for this. I ask you to protect those who are currently serving in Iraq and Afghanistan. Help them to know you are there and as this video says help them to know that heaven is a prayer away.

Give our troops peace during this season when we celebrate your coming and the angels announcing the coming of the Prince of Peace. Help the men and women who serve in the military to know how much we all appreciate them. Give grace to their families and cause friends to gather around them during this holiday season.

Believing in the name and power of Jesus we pray with all of our hearts for your kingdom and peace to come all over the world.


Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.


  1. Hi Bob, the soldiers prayer is beautiful. I'm thankful to God that He brought your son home safely too. My husband was an Australian Infantry soldier for 3yrs and went to East Timor as a peace-keeper for 6mths. I'm pretty computer illiterate, is there any way I can send the video of the soldiers prayer to my husbands phone? Your sister, Lisa

  2. Depends on his phone Lisa and whether he can play YouTube videos. If it can the you can email the link that shows at the end of the video to his phone. Sorry I couldn't help more.

  3. That's cool Bob. Thanks for taking the time. Your whole blog is very encouraging. God bless you and your whole family. Your sister, Lisa


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