Prayer for Job Seekers

Today's prayer is from Sojourners..

We pray for those who are unemployed in these difficult economic times, those who feel most acutely the burden of getting by and providing for their families. We pray for your provision for them at this time. May those of us who have demonstrate your love through our generosity to them and your welcome through our hospitality to them.


Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.


  1. May God bless those who are seeking jobs with peace and purpose. May he care for their needs. And with every new day bring the gift of hope.

  2. My prayer also is for those without work at this Christmas season. My neighbor Risso was layed off work a month ago, and it's been hard. I pray that the Lord will open up work for him and others that need work.

  3. Amen to those prayers.. I'll add my friend Clark (out of work since April) and my blog friends Barbara and Gary who are looking for work.


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