Monday Prayer

Lord, please shower upon me
Every day of this work week
Blessings of peace and serenity
And the things that I bespeak
So that when I start to wander
From the tasks I’m bound to face
I will take the time to ponder
If my actions are off-base.

Lord, please embrace my spirit
When the traffic is a mess
Let the phone ring when I’m near it
So that matters are addressed
Carry me upon Your shoulders
When my boss is walking by
And remove life’s heavy boulders
Should the work week go awry.

Lord, please give my soul direction
In each meeting I attend
Let me work to my perfection
Or the best I can expend
So that when the week is finished
Nothing will have been ignored
But the freedom I’ve diminished
For Your sweet weekend reward.

© 2006 – Jill Eisnaugle’s Poetry Collection

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