a little bit louder now...

Shout to the Lord!

Give praise for day break, and the promise of hope that comes each and every morning.

Shout to the Lord!

Give praise for that gentle hand upon our shoulder, the amazing gift of peace.

Should to the Lord!

Give praise for the rock beneath our feet, and the strength that only our almighty God offers.

Shout to the Lord!

Give praise for the warmth of friendship and the relationships that bless our lives.

Shout to the Lord!

Give praise for the wisdom and insight that always leads us to the light.

Shout to the Lord!

Give praise for God who is all-merciful, all-righteous and all-loving.

And when all else fails, simply shout to the Lord!


Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.


  1. Shouting with you Ed.. loved the pic.. so inspiring me to shout.. and live out loud.

  2. praise to the Lord is powerfully good.

    first time here, i will have to subscribe to the feed.

  3. i would like to subscribe to the posts instead of the comments, but i don't see that here. ?

  4. I added a section to subscribe Nancy.

    Blessings, Bob

  5. Yes, I will add my voice, my shout to the Lord... He is good all the time, and then some!!


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