Praying Psalm 88

O Lord, God of my salvation.. I cry out day and night before you. Let my prayer come before you.. incline your ear to my cry!

My life is troubled with remorse and my mind wanders to past times as my life draws nearer to death.. I am a man who is in need of strength.

Yet this I recall and I have hope.. you have rescued me from darkness.. you have shown me the light of your love.. I no longer walk in darkness.. I walk as your son.

You overwhelm me with waves of your goodness Lord.. I can see your hand in my life providentially guiding me and helping me to become a better man.

Though all abandon me.. you remain faithful.. though life is sad sometimes.. I still find joy in you.. you cause my heart to sing.. and my soul to soar.

Every day I will call upon you, O Lord.. each morning I will spread out my hands to you in worship - you are worthy Lord Jesus!

You work wonders God.. and I praise you! I will declare your steadfast love until I die.. you are faithful.. your mercy is great!

I, O Lord, cry to you.. this morning my prayer comes before you. O Lord, you have embraced my soul and shown your face to me in kindness.

You are good Lord.. you have filled me with hope and not despair.. because of your love I will embrace the day.. because of your grace I will overcome.

Faith, hope and love surround me like still waters all day long.. they water my soul and feed my heart with good things.

You are worthy to be praised. I will rejoice in in you my Lord, my God and my Strength.


Please visit The Prayer List and pray with me.

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