Praying Psalm 85

Lord we remember your goodness and how you forgive us.. thank you for being who you are.. thank you for your heavenly fatherhood.

Restore unity in your people Lord.. help us O God of our salvation to be a healthy body that brings healing to the nations.

In grace you have restored us.. in mercy you have picked us up.. in love you remember our sins no more.

Your love is steadfast Lord.. you are not an angry father.. we rejoice in the cross of Jesus and revel in your salvation.

Open the eyes and ears of our hearts Lord that we may know life from your perspective.. help us to know you.

You have spoken peace to your people.. to your saints.. help us to be steadfast and not turn back to folly.

Surely your salvation is near to those who have come to the end of themselves.. to those who have seen the folly of their ways.

Cause your glory to rule our land Lord.. help your people to rise up in love and serve our neighbors in our nation.

Because of Jesus steadfast love and faithfulness have met.. in Him righteousness and peace kiss each other.

In you Lord faithfulness springs up from the ground.. righteousness looks down from the sky.

You Lord will give what is good.. Your kingdom will yield its increase.. righteousness will go before you and you will lead us in life.

Praise Father, Son and Holy Spirit.


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