Praying Psalm 37

I surrender my thoughts about how unfair life is Lord.. I commit my future to you.. my confession is that I trust in you Lord.

I ask you for help to do good.. to live a life that befriends faithfulness and delights in you Lord.. thank you for caring about the desires of my heart.

Today I commit my way anew to you Lord.. I confess my trust in you.. I believe that you will act and bring the best out in me.

Being still is so difficult Lord.. help me to wait patiently for you to act and not take things in my own hands.. help me not to worry about what others are doing.

I submit my anger to you and forsake my wrath! I give my worry to you Jesus and ask you to help me wait for your help.

I trust in your sovereignty Lord.. I humble myself before you.. I delight in the peace that you give me - You are Lord!

I agree with the scriptures when they say "Better is the little that the righteous has than the abundance of many wicked".. help me to be content.

You are awesome God.. you know my days.. you understand my heart.. you have given my an eternal heritage.. you provide for all of my needs.

Praise you Lord Jesus Christ!


(Second half of this psalm will be prayed later)

Please visit The Prayer List and pray with me.

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