Praying Psalm 35

I am thankful Lord that when I am weakest you contend on my behalf.. you ever live to make intercession for me.. you are my advocate in heaven.. I am safe in your hands.

Cause all those who seek to do evil to turn from their wicked ways.. give them a heart of humility dear Father.. show them your goodness Lord.

My soul rejoices in you Lord.. I exult in your salvation.. my whole being praises you.. “O Lord, who is like you.. you deliver the poor and needy.. you are a refuge in the storm.

My heart is filled with thankfulness because you cause me to stand against the enemies of my soul.. you lead me in ways that lead to life.

My flesh wonders how long, O Lord, before I am delivered from pain and hurt. I long to feel your touch on my body.. my joints ache daily.. please come in power and bring healing.

Help me to live the life of a peacemaker Lord.. bring humility to my soul.. grant me wisdom concerning the compromises that I need to make.. give me courage Lord.

O Lord; be not silent! O Lord, be not far from me! Come Holy Spirit in wisdom and in comfort.. teach me to live O majestic Spirit.

Visit the leaders of nations today Lord.. let they who devise evil and rejoice at calamity be put to shame and disappointed altogether.. bring down all who magnify themselves.

But let those who delight in righteousness shout for joy and be glad and say evermore, “Great is the Lord, who delights in the welfare of his servants!”

I will tell of your righteousness and of your praise all the day long.. my Lord and my Redeemer.


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