Praying in the Midst

Today's prayer comes from my friend Lynne.

Quicken Your Spirit within me, my Father, that Your transforming power might be at work in me, even in this impossible situation.

In the midst of turmoil,
saturate me with Your peace
In the midst of my pain,
be a wellspring of joy within me
In the midst of rejection,
let me rest upon Your love
In the midst of injustice,
make me steadfast in longsuffering
In the midst of provocation,
keep me gentle
In the midst of change and confusion,
hold me in Your faithfulness
In the midst of evil, let me be a channel of Your goodness
In the midst of persecution, help me be glad in meekness
In the midst of passion and self-indulgence, temper me with the Spirit’s fruit of self-control.

I am not these things, but You are, and there is my sufficiency.
To look for fulfillment in any other place is frustration and futility.


Please visit The Prayer List and pray with me.


  1. What a wonderful prayer. To be able to live this life of disciplines every day. That is my prayer.


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