Kneeling Prayer

For this reason I bow my knees before the Father, (Ephesians 3:14)

This is the beginning of a great scripture passage on prayer. It begins by speaking to the posture of prayer. Ever wonder where the tradition of kneeling in prayer comes from? Here is an explanation I like:
One thought about the origin of kneeling to pray comes from the practice of kneeling before a king in petition for a request. This tradition was a symbol of humbleness and honor when coming before a king or ruler. In recognition and honor to God, it may have been the appropriate position to come before Him.
The heart of kneeling prayer is not really the outer posture but the inner one. We bow our hearts in submission and humility when we pray.. as we speak to our King.

We bow our hearts to you today dear King.. we recognize that it is the will of our sovereign Lord that is all important.. we submit to your will and your plans for us. Have your way Father in our lives.


Please visit The Prayer List and pray with me.

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