
And Gideon built an altar to the Lord there and named it Yahweh-Shalom (which means “the Lord is peace”). (Judges 6:24a)

When I meditate on the names of God this one is especially comforting. So often life is anything but peaceful and we need to ask the Lord to grant His shalom. Below is how Paul put it in Romans 15:33 - pray it for yourself.. for someone you love.. for someone on the prayer list:

The God of peace be with you all.


Please visit The Prayer List and pray with me.

1 comment:

  1. My husband Bart lost his plumbing job. He is a wonderful plumber and painter and
    can do anything. His boss just decided not to do his business anymore. I am a
    homeopath and have several clients that are hesitating to order workups right
    now. We were unable to pay our rent and have no food. Bart has been getting up
    at 5:30 a going to day labor with no results. He also went through the yellow
    pages asking for jobs. Please help Bart get a job and have my clients order and
    pay. Love, Alva


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