Praying for our President Elect

Lee Grady offers ten ways that we can pray for Barack Obama.. here are a few of those ways:
  • Pray for his protection.
  • Cover his wife and daughters in prayer.
  • Pray that he will govern with God’s wisdom.
  • Ask God to keep our him humble.
  • Pray for wise and righteous advisers to surround him.
  • Ask for the spirit of reconciliation.
Father, we ask you to watch over Barack Obama and his family during this time of transition. Grant him mercy and grace to walk humbly during this time. Surround him with wise people and give him the wisdom he needs to appoint cabinet members and advisers. Cause him to be a reconciler and not a divider. Protect him in all ways Father.. body, soul and spirit.


Please visit The Prayer List and pray with me.

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